
About Toni Green

Bachelor Health Science (University of New England)
Diploma Medical Herbalism
Diploma Advanced Iridology
Member Naturopath & Herbalist Association Australia

Toni Green – Medical Herbalist & Iridologist Tasmania.

Natural Health Solutions is a holistic health approach to health and wellbeing, with our medical herbalist and iridologist Tasmania that focuses on the needs of the individual.

I have extensive knowledge in Natural Therapies, having completed a Bachelor of Health Science degree as well as a Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine, Diploma of Advanced Iridology and a Diploma of Ayurvedic Medicine.

I am also available to run workshops and/or speak at your club, meeting, organisation or business on any topic of your choice relating to Natural Therapies.

I have a special interest in all areas of health, both adult and child. I am skilled in women’s health issues such as pregnancy, menstrual issues, reproductive problems and infertility.

I am also well skilled in all facets of disease treatment and prevention. I have had excellent results in the treatment of diseases such as eczema, stress, psoriasis, arthritis, digestive disorders, migraine, chronic fatigue, asthma and infertility in both men and women.

I am also extremely passionate about non-chemical personal care products, and make my own soaps, shampoos, conditioners, hand creams, hair rinses, lotions, potions and balms.

In my clinic I will often prescribe and make personalised creams and balms, using all natural ingredients and utilising delightfully fragrant essential oils.