
Workshops & Speaking Topics

Natural Remedy Workshop

I am available to run hands-on workshops or to speak at your club, meeting, organisation or business on any topic of your choice relating to Natural Therapies for your natural remedy workshop. Some of the most popular workshop / speaking topics include: Contact us to book a workshop or seminar.

  • * Mind Matters: Stress, Sleep and the Mind
  • * Energy, Weight Control and Digestion
  • * Home Remedies for Common Ailments
  • * Iridology: The Window of the Soul
  • * Foundations for Detoxification for Mind, Body and Home
  • * Making Creams and Natural Remedies
  • * Ancient Beauty Secrets
  • * The Soul Connection: Renewing Mind, Body & Spirit
  • * The Healing Power of Food: How Food Choices Affect our Health
  • * Healing Herbs (4 week course)
  • * The Healing Garden: Growing your own Medicine
  • * Restful Sleep: Overcoming Insomnia
  • * Finding Inner Peace: Dealing with Stress, Anxiety and Depression
  • * Ancient Herbal Wisdom: 2 Hour in home workshop with workbook
  • * Introduction to Herbal Medicine
Make An Appointment