
Brain Foods

Just like any other machine, for our brains to function at their best, we need the proper fuel. But what are the best brain foods?



Glucose in the bloodstream is the brains number one vital energy source. Because glucose is unable to be stored in the brain, the brain requires a continuous supply of it via the blood stream.

If, for any reason, (for example low carb weight loss regimes) there is not enough circulating glucose to feed and enrich brain cells, you will feel light-headed, fatigued and have difficulty concentrating.

To stop your blood glucose levels from dropping too low, carbohydrates need to be eaten at regular intervals. Having said this, you need to be very particular about which carbohydrates are eaten. It’s wise to avoid eating carbohydrates derived from processed food, but rather eat carbs that are released slowly in the blood stream, which then supplies a steady supply of energy to the brain.

It’s very important to not skip breakfast, as breakfast helps to maintain the energy supply to the brain as it refuel the brain after the overnight fast. Memory and metal performance are adversely effected by not eating breakfast.


Essential Fatty Acids

A large percentage of the brain is made up of essential fatty acids, and considering the body cannot produce these, they need to be obtained through the diet. The omega 3 fatty acids that are found in cold water fish such as salmon and tuna (as well as fax, pumpkin seeds and walnuts) play a part in maintaining brain function, and can influence mental conditions such as depression, dementia and schizophrenia. Fatty acids also significantly influence the neurotransmitters in the brain, helping the brain cells to effectively communicate with each other.



The role of neurotransmitters is to transmit signals from one brain cell to another. Protein is important for the brain as it provides the amino acids that the brain requires to make these neurotransmitters. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid (meaning it need to come from the diet) that is necessary to produce serotonin, the chemical that modifies mood and sleep. Good sources include lean meat, fish, eggs and lentils.



Antioxidants are needed by the body to neutralise and deactivate damaging free radicals. Free radicals cause damage to the cells in the body, including brain cells. Antioxidant are found in fruits and vegetables. It’s important to eat a variety of colour in your fruits and vegetables as each colour represents a different antioxidant. Orange/Yellow is beta carotene, red/blue/purple is anthocyanins and green vegetables have an abundance of iron, vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin.